
I only started following A League last season but constantly see posts on socials of how fans have dropped off. Was this simply due to covid or other underlying reasons?


I dunno, perhaps it was covid but I was a huge fan from 2005-2017 then started to get stale for me in 2018 and 2019 even before Covid I feel we spent too long with not enough teams for a league without pro/rel. I am pumped again for this season.

3.Fox Sportsは契約の終わりに近づくにつれて、放送でリーグを台無しにし始めた (プレミアリーグの権利をOptusに奪われた後、サッカーへの関心を失いました)。
Its been happening over time from a number of things.
1.First sign of trouble was the FFA choosing to prioritise its 2018/2022 World Cup bid, and throwing resources at it while not being as proactive with the Leagues it was starting to show signs of improvement and growth.
2.Civil War between the FFA and the owners of the A-League clubs over the management of the League.
3.Fox Sports started to shaft the league with its broadcasting towards the end of it’s deal (They lost interest in Football after losing the Premier League rights to Optus).
4.COVID also happened.
5.For a long time, after the introduction of City and WSW, there were no expansion teams and it just became stale seeing the same teams playing each other again and again.
6.It hasn’t helped that over the last few years, there has always been a team that has been in financial trouble due to negligent owners.

7.チケットの価値は選手の才能に見合っていない 🎫 $
7. Talent isn’t there to justify the ticket 🎫 $

5 is a horrible point.Chelsea v Liverpool mid 00s Chelsea v Barca late 00s Liverpool v City late 2010s,Those games were all amazing and happened multiple times a season.

Seeing the same 10 teams go at each other again and again over 8 seasons with no promotion and relegation was getting extremely dull. The league is better with the introduction of Western United and Macarthur FC.

For me it’s covid and Fox tanking the league that are the main cause. Those last seasons under fox were dire.

The league is run by economists who don’t care about football.

If it was run by economists we probably wouldn’t have pissed away $150m tbh.

Paywalling the league

Like it has been since day 1?
Not sure how something that hasn’t changed since the start is the reason for the downfall.

Was big for the first few seasons when the A-League started and was also during a time when football buzz was at its peak with Australia’s first world cup qualification in like 36 years or something and then I guess the novelty wore off and the administration might have played things a bit too safe. Also active support was constantly targeted due to anti-football media wanting to paint football as being followed by a bunch of foreigners and hooligans.

The A-League is actually fairly well attended by international standards, which when you consider the competitive sporting landscape in Australia and New Zealand and the low population of both countries is pretty good.

On-field is still super fun, some may say never been better.

The early adopters grow up and have kids, and attend less.You then need some regeneration of new fans which I suspect hasn’t happened as the league is not new, or marketed at all anymore. You don’t see it on tv anywhere.I’m hoping some generational support starts to build as early members kids and their kids build up the fan bases.

I’m doing my part!I’ve added 2 junior members to the club.

Just to add to what everyone said there was also the stagnation that happened. After Wanderers in 2012/13 entered the competition and the league hit its peak in 2015/16 there was no talk of expansion or growing the league and this was after hosting the Asian cup and winning.But there was nothing to look forward to despite calls for further growth.

The league can’t expand forever though, so at some point people have to be content with what is there.

But at the time there was no talk of NSD or what the future plans to grow the league it just went stale with 10 clubs playing each other 3 times, something a lot of journos actually said at the time makes it difficult to build storylines behind the games. This affects the marketing and the build up to the games.It was just content with what it had and led to a stagnate league at the time. We forget how big the league actually was at its peak but the people in charge failed to capitalise or engage fans on what was next.

だからこそ、昇降格制度はリーグの拡張が最大限に達したら(例えば16 チーム)良いものとなるでしょう。毎年、新しいチームが定期的に流入し、新しいドラマ、新しいストーリー、ライバル関係の復活、小さなクラブがめったにないスポットライトを浴びる瞬間などが確実に起こります。現在のオーナーの考え方が大幅に変わる必要があることはわかっていますが、その潜在的なプラス面は相当なものです。
That’s why pro-rel would be good once expansion is maxed out (e.g. at 16 teams).
It ensures a regular influx of new teams year on year, with new dramas, new storylines, rivalries being revived, small clubs enjoying a rare moment in the spotlight, etc.I know it will take a massive change of mindset from the current owners to happen, but the potential positives are considerable.